Cooperative Housing is Affordable Housing

  • Founded: October 12, 2012

  • Mission
    The Grand Rapids Alliance of Cooperative Communities is an intentional cooperative promoting community and sustainability while providing inclusive and affordable housing.

  • Vision
    We envision a thriving, interconnected system of cooperatively owned housing in Grand Rapids Michigan that prioritizes low-income households, fosters community, and empowers individuals.  We are committed to improving and expanding opportunities for cooperative housing in the Greater Grand Rapids area.

  • Core Values
    CONNECT as a community with a shared vision, cooperative governance, and stewardship of resources. GROW in personal and interpersonal development. CREATE more affordable housing opportunities in a cooperative culture.

  • Foundational Focus
    CAUSE: Affordable Housing
    NICHE: Co-operative Community

    Cooperative housing, (also known as a housing co-op), is a unique approach that makes housing more affordable in the following ways:
  1. Shared Stewardship: As a member of GRACC, residents contribute their time and effort in most of the work involved in maintaining and operating the property. Except when licensed professionals are required, members help with repairs, maintenance and grounds keeping, which significantly reduces costs, helping to keep housing affordable.

  2. Shared Resources: As a member of GRACC, residents have their own bedroom, while sharing common area spaces (kitchen, dining room, community room, bathroom, laundry, gardens). This allows for more rooms available in the same amount of space comparable to a single-family house. This also saves members on utility costs. In addition, through bulk purchasing power members reap saving on grocery, cleaning, and household costs. And part of the rent that members pays goes toward the costs of tools and materials needed for repairs and maintenance. By pooling resources, co-op members can enjoy amenities without bearing the full cost individually.

  3. Shared Decision-Making: Residents in a co-op make collective decisions about the management of the organization and the upkeep of the property. This democratic process can lead to more cost-effective decisions and better financial planning, as members can prioritize spending and maintenance needs based on shared interests. In addition, having a say in what we do fosters a sense of mindful community leading to greater housing stability.

  4. Non-Profit Organization: GRACC operates as a non-profit, which means they are focused on providing affordable housing rather than generating profit. This structure helps keep costs down and allows savings to be passed on to members as in the form of more affordable housing.

  5. Long-Term Stability: GRACC member rental rates are more stable compared to rental markets, residents can avoid the costs associated with frequent moves or rent increases, providing long-term affordability and stability.

To learn more about how co-operative housing is expressed in GRACC, click here.